Friday, January 14, 2011

Birding Florida (Trip report 1 year late!)

Exams are over (did I say that already?) and I finally have some time to sit down and reminisce about the wonderful time spent in USA. It was never hot or humid in America and we could hike for hours. Bird watching was so fun! How I miss America!

Anyway, it was almost spring last year when dad decided to visit Everglades National Park. Before it got too hot. It is the must-see place for all birders. I was so excited! We flew into Florida and drove to the National Park. Everglades NP is a wetland reserve, just like Sungei Buloh, except that it was a hundred times bigger.
There are many different ecosystems in Everglades NP. There are fresh water sloughs where all the wading birds are. There are mangrove swamps which we kayaked around and there are hardwood hammocks and pineland which we drove around, birding from the car until the sun went down or walking in the trails.        

The most common wildlife there is the alligator. And there were lots! They even laid lazily across the roads that people had to walk or drive around them.

Here are some of the birds we saw on the first day. And that was only the beginning. It just got better and better!

Double crested cormorants

Mummy Anhiga

Anhiga Nestlings

Juvenile Black Crowned Night Heron
Tricoloured Heron

Immature Tricoloured Heron

Tricoloured Heron

Green Heron

Little blue heron
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron

Great Egret
White Ibis

Roseatte Spoonbill (such a strange and big beautiful bird!)

Least Sandpipers (can you spot them?)

                                                                   Semipalmated Plover

Spotted Sandpiper

Greater Yellowlegs

Common Moorhen 

Purple Gallinule

                                                                    Pied billed Grebe
Black Vulture (scary!)

Turkey Vulture (eww!!)

American Kestrel

                                                                Red Shouldered Hawk

                                                                 Broad Winged Hawk
                                                                        Northern Harrier

Tree Swallows
                                                                   Belted Kingfisher
                                                     Northern Cardinal (my old friend!)

Northern Mockingbird (something looks wrong with its bill)

                                                                   Eastern Kingbird

But the best was yet to come....Stay tuned!

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