Ducks are a beginning birder's best friends. They are colourful and pretty. You can learn binoculars skills and how to photograph them because they won't fly away. After all, they are sitting ducks!
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Ringed Neck Ducks (Duxbury, MA) |
Male Northern Shoveller (Central Park, NYC) |
His wife, female Northern Shoveller |
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Female ruddy duck (Fresh Pond, Cambridge) |
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Her husband, male ruddy duck (Central Park, NYC) |
Bufflehead husband and wife (Central Park, NYC) |
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American Coot (Duxbury, MA) |
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American wigeon (Plum Island, MA) |
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Green winged Teal (Plum island, MA) |
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Male wood duck (Muddy River, Brookline, MA) |
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His wife, female wood duck (Muddy Pond, MA) |
And my all-time fav........ (*drum roll*)
Female Hooded Mergenser |
Her husband Hooded Merganser (Fresh Pond, Cambridge) |
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Husband & wife team having a great time! |