November is an exciting month for birders in Singapore. It is migrating season for raptors passing through Singapore. We can see many uncommon birds of prey during this time, so bird watching is really fun. These big birds are very majestic and beautiful. Strangely, we also saw many of our good ol' resident raptors building nests during this time too!
White-bellied Sea Eagle |
This is the biggest and most common raptor in Singapore. It always gets me excited to see it because it is sooo big and flies very low!!
Brahminy Kite |
Brahminy Kite is the other common raptor in Singapore. We usually see him soaring high up in the sky, so it was super cool to spot him perched on a branch. We even got to see him in action getting his lunch!
He swooped down and grabbed a mouse in his claws! |
Then, we were walking along the road when we spied a nest high up in a tree. I looked more closely and saw a clump of feathers. Hmm....could it be??
Something there?? |
We started grabbing our binocs in excitment. It was a mummy Changeable Hawk Eagle! This eagle was super sharp and smart. She spied us from a million miles away looking at her and hid behind the tree trunk. She peeped at us with one eye and half her body hidden behind the tree trunk. We looked at her with our spotting scope and she just looked back at us. She never came out from her spot!
Can you see the Changeable Hawk Eagle? |
Maybe I will go back again and see little baby eagles in the nest next time!
Next, we saw something black moving up in the tree. When we looked through our spotting scope, we were amazed. There was a whole flock of more than 15 Black Bazas up in the tree.
Now you see me, now you don't! |
Black Baza |
Black Bazas are very cute with their crests and black bands on their chests. Suddenly, they seem to be everywhere I look.
And now, for my mystery bird.....
I couldn't figure this guy out for the longest time. I looked through all our Field Guides and through all the pictures on the internet. But nothing quite fit...
Mystery eagle in flight |
Mystery eagle up close |
Mystery eagle looking at me! |
What is he????!!! |
I thought I found a cool, new raptor.
Mum now says it is probably a juvenile White-bellied Sea Eagle :( What an anti-climax!
Do you think so??